Restorative Therapy

Welcome to Restorative Therapy where clinical expertise and holistic insight combine to realize optimal health

Unlock your body’s natural healing potential with a comprehensive, personalized approach. 

At Restorative Therapy, I customize treatments targeting stress and pain release through transformative experiences that nurture the body and mind. Embark on a journey of profound relaxation and rejuvenation. Your vibrant life awaits.

About Igal

Welcome to Restorative Therapy

I’m Igal Untershats, a multi-faceted practitioner dedicated to bringing greater health and happiness to clients for over a decade. My comprehensive, integrated approach will help to alleviate common or sports-related injuries, back pain, posture-related issues, headaches, stress, arthritis related pain, peripheral nerve problems, lack of energy, or any other musculoskeletal conditions, to increase physical well-being and mental clarity. Additionally, I can help with relaxation and stress reduction, working to de-regulate the nervous system for an enhanced calming effect.

I offer personalized support in every treatment that goes beyond mere physical relief. My extensive work in clinical physiotherapy, chiropractic, and osteopathy settings, adds a wealth of expertise to each individual’s unique condition, needs and physiology.

Restorative Therapy’s core values are passion, compassion, and dedication.

I am dedicated to creating a peaceful and therapeutic environment that fosters the mind-body connection. I encourage all of my clients to nurture their capacity for self-love, self-worth, and self-knowledge.

Together, we will overcome not only physical obstacles but any mental and emotional barriers preventing inner harmony.

My studies and certifications include:

  • Registered Massage Therapist (Sutherland Chan School of Massage Therapy, 2200-hour diploma program)
  • Member of the CMTO and RMTAO
  • Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Practitioner (McMaster University, 300-hour certification)
  • Fascial Acupuncture (Functional Fascia Therapeutics,18 hours)
  • The Balance Method Acupuncture Technique (Meridian Health Education, 8 hours)
  • Advanced Treatment Perspectives: Cupping as a Soft Tissue Tool (ConEd Institute, 16 hours)
  • Advanced Joint Mobilizations (ConEd Institute, 16 hours)
  • Various soft tissue application modalities: positional release, trigger point therapy, fascial manipulations, Swedish massage techniques
  • Clinical Massage Therapy (The Centre for Pain Management, 40 hours)
  • Neurofunctional Anatomy
  • Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training (Association for Yoga and Meditation, Rishikesh, India, 200 hours)
  • Singing Bowl Therapy and Sound Healing (Himalayan Academy of Sound Healing, Rishikesh, India, 25 hours)