Restorative Therapy


Massage therapy is a hands-on practice involving the skilled manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to promote healing and relaxation.

At Restorative Therapy, I integrate intuitive touch (listening to the body to guide where healing is needed) into all of my sessions as I believe in working with clients, not on them. Each session is customized to the unique needs of the client, ensuring a holistic and client-centred approach. The philosophy, ‘match the technique to the pathology or the condition,’ incorporates a diverse range of additional modalities to achieve optimal wellness when needed.

These include:

Muscle Energy Techniques
Engaging and alleviating tension in muscles through active and passive movements.

Positional Release
A technique involving the passive positioning of joints to alleviate tension.

Fascial Manipulations
Targeting the body’s connective tissue to improve mobility and reduce restrictions.

Swedish Massage Techniques
Using long strokes, kneading, and circular motions for relaxation, stress reduction, and flushing the tissues for improved circulation.

Joint & Joint Capsule Mobilizations
Gentle low-grade movements to enhance joint function and mobility.

Cupping (Dynamic & Static)
Application of suction cups to promote blood flow and alleviate muscle tension.

Pressure/Trigger Point Therapy
Application of pressure to specific points to release tension and alleviate pain, both locally and distally.

Scraping Tools
Utilizing tools to scrape the skin’s surface, promoting circulation and reducing muscle adhesions.