Restorative Therapy


Body and Mind

Sound healing therapy harnesses the transformative power of sound and vibration. It is based on the concept that everything in the universe is composed of energy and vibration, including the human body. If the body’s natural energy flow is disrupted or imbalanced, physical ailments or emotional stress can manifest. The tones of sound healing instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, tingsha bells, crystal healing bowls, chimes and hand drums, can restore well-being and emotional balance through specific sound frequencies resonating with the body to induce profound transformation and overall health and well-being. 

Tibetan Singing Bowls are made from a blend of metals to produce resonant tones when struck or played with a mallet. The vibrations emitted by these bowls have a profound effect on our nervous system and stimulate cellular healing. The sounds induce a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting inner balance.

Crystal Healing Bowls are made from pure quartz crystal and emit clear and powerful tones that correspond to specific chakras or energy centres in the body. They feature unique healing properties and facilitate emotional release, inner peace and self-awareness.

Chimes consist of metal and wooden tubes or rods suspended from a small supportive frame. Their gentle and harmonious tones are deeply restorative and foster a sense of peace and tranquility and can aid in emotional release.

Tingsha Bells, also known as Tibetan cymbals, are handheld metal instruments that produce clear, high-pitched sounds when struck together. These bells have traditionally been used to clear negative energies and stagnant vibrations and help focus busy minds.

Sound Massage involves the use of Tibetan singing bowls, which are played directly on the body during a sound therapy session. This practice seamlessly integrates with traditional massage therapy treatments. The vibrations produced by the singing bowls aid in releasing tension and enhancing energy flow. Numerous clients have reported experiencing deep relaxation at the conclusion of a sound massage session.

Hand Drums, also known as shamanic drums, are a sound healing instrument found in many indigenous cultures used to induce altered states of consciousness and facilitate healing. The rhythmic vibrations of the drum entrain brainwaves, promoting deeper states of awareness and stress reduction. The sound of the drum is said to connect with the primal aspects of the human psyche, offering a unique and transformative experience for individuals seeking spiritual or emotional healing.