Restorative Therapy


Yoga is the cornerstone of my personal growth and the catalyst for profound change in my life. Its union of body and mind continues to bring me inner peace and a newfound sense of calm and mental clarity, which profoundly influences my approach as a therapist. Through my practice, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the intricate connection between breath and movement, allowing me to support my clients with greater empathy and insight, fostering holistic healing in their journey to wellness.

Being a lifelong student of yoga has led to deep insights, self-knowledge, and self-acceptance. Engaging in the practice of asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation enhances both my physical well-being and inner equilibrium. Additionally, yoga’s emphasis on self-love and compassion serves as a guiding principle in my life.

As a multi-faceted therapist, I integrate the ancient wisdom of yoga into treatments when appropriate. Mindfulness and pranayama assist clients in effectively managing stress and anxiety, while curated asana sequences can address specific conditions, enhance physical stability, strength, mobility, and alleviate pain. My approach to these curated asana sequences, termed ‘yoga as a skillful movement practice,’ focuses on an injury-proof method of ‘organization and activation.’ This method relies on muscle activation through fascial lines to support and nourish the soft tissues, the joints, as well as improve nervous system communication, thereby promoting long-term health and optimal functionality in everyday movements.

By integrating my clinical training and expertise with the principles of yoga, I have been able to guide my clients towards greater health, happiness, and a deeper connection with themselves.